This page offers available resources to help Edge member organizations address the unique challenges of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. Feel free to call 855.832.EDGE (3343) for more information and review our escalation procedures on our support page.
Covid-19 Resources
Coronavirus Announcements & Resources
We Stand Ready to Assist
COVID Resources PDF: How to Embrace the Next Normal
Government Updates
Solutions to Support Continued Operations
The following technology solutions are available for streamlined purchasing:
Zoom Video Communications
A video platform for online learning collaboration, virtual office hours, and administrative meetings. (For K-12 districts using Zoom Basic licenses, you can use this form to request removal of the 40-minute meeting time limit.)
Desktop Virtualization
Leverage our relationships with AWS and/or VMware to provide users with the same working experience they expect in the office or the classroom, delivered via cloud-based desktops.
Virtual IT Help Desk Resources
To prepare for the influx of service calls generated by remote work and online learning, access virtual resources to extend your existing help desk team.
Virtual Student Services One Stop
To prepare for the influx of demand on student services (administration, registrar, finance, etc.), access virtual resources to extend your existing administrative resources.
Edge Professional Services
A video platform for online learning collaboration, virtual office Our team brings 120+ years of executive and IT/CIO experience to the table on behalf of our members. The Edge Professional Services team can assist with the development of, or add a second set of eyes to review, a business continuity and online learning/remote work action plan.