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Technology vendors, including Edge partners, are offering complimentary limited-time access to a variety of solutions and services in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Here, you’ll find a dynamic list of these offers as they come to our attention.

From the Edge Partner Community:

  • Google for Education offering free access to enhanced Hangouts Meet features through July 1, 2020. – Learn More
  • VMware offering Horizon Cloud (virtual desktops) on Microsoft Azure for 45 days free of charge. – Learn More
  • Zoom is lifting the 40-minute run time on Basic license meeting meeting limits for K-12 schools.  – Learn More

More from EDUCAUSE:

  • EDUCAUSE has built a comprehensive and growing list of the complimentary and discounted offers from the technology vendor community. – Learn More

More from Campus Technology

  • Campus Technology has built a comprehensive and growing list of the complimentary and discounted offers from the technology vendor community. – Learn More

Delivered by Edge:

  • As of March 17, we’re making our online community platform, EdgeXchange, available by request to all of our higher education members free of charge. Our communities of practice already leverage EdgeXchange to share information and engage with their peers. The platform is an excellent way to keep your institution’s community connected while working remotely by providing a private, persistent communication portal to replace legacy listservs. The information posted in EdgeXchange is also archivable and searchable, so it can be used to review your institution’s response to the COVID-19 situation in the future. If you’d like to onboard your institution’s community to EdgeXchange, please complete the form linked here. – Request Access
  • Second Look Evaluation (SLE)a complimentary benefit for dues-paying Edge members. As a non-profit technology partner, our SLE applies independent validation and verification (IV&V) to your current-state IT program. The findings and conclusions delivered to the institution will provide a high-level quantitative summary review of a selection of information technology domains. These findings can be used to establish internal business cases, revise policies and procedures, and shed light on strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities for continuous improvement, all of which will be valuable outcomes to inform your strategic technology plans in response to the COVID-19 crisis. – Request an SLE for your institution
  • External Cybersecurity Vulnerability Scan – With rapid changes including remote work,  allowing remote connections to systems, and new systems and services being added, there could be changes to your perimeter security defenses and vulnerabilities that a scan would help identify. Every scan conducted includes an actionable executive summary for risk mediation. Request a free scan.