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With a passion to make meaningful change in the world, Dr. Lawrence M. Drake II, Co-Founder & Executive Chairman LEADing for Life Enterprise, is dedicated to empowering generations of learners and helping students look beyond high school to envision a future filled with possibilities. Through strategic leadership and dedication, Dr. Drake is committed to helping people gain the skills and experience they need to achieve their full potential and contribute positively to their communities and beyond. Coming to the LEADing for Life organization as a board member nearly twenty years ago, Drake has been an integral part of shaping the formerly known LEAD organization into the national nonprofit cross-sector collaboration it is today.

The LEADing for Life Enterprise includes international global corporations, government agencies, higher education institutions, and nonprofit partnerships who help to create high school-to-college-to-career pathways that develop future-ready learners. “Many young people, particularly those of color, do not envision themselves at an institution, especially prestigious colleges and universities,” says Drake. “I certainly had that view myself when I was in high school. LEADing for Life wants to dispel that notion by breaking down barriers and providing comprehensive learning opportunities and career development that can help students find their passion and turn their dreams into reality.”

LEADing for Life
Founded in 1980, LEAD was originally a summer college readiness program for high school students at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. In April 2024, the program announced its evolution to the LEADing for Life Enterprise and underwent a strategic shift with Dr. Drake at the helm. “We believe that learning is a lifestyle, not an event,” shares Drake. “With this in mind, we’re currently developing and growing the Enterprise in a very different way. This means the structure needs to follow the new strategy and we believe this iteration will propel and sustain our organization for the next forty years.”

From his experience of living and working in over sixty countries around the world, Drakes says he’s seen learning take many forms and it was those experiences that inspired him to return to get a terminal degree. “At that time, I was a CEO running a multinational corporation living in a number of countries. I was trying to see what we were doing similarly and differently than America versus other countries around the world. I discovered that while we were spending more per student than any other developed nation, we weren’t getting the same return. This perspective has informed my learning is a lifestyle belief system and why we want to help more people understand the value of learning, not only in terms of higher education, but also in the value of learning about yourself, the world, relationships, and developing different ways of approaching and solving problems.”

“LEADing for Life is built on the idea that wisdom and knowledge together applied appropriately can propel people to do amazing things in the world,” continues Drake. “We’ve seen it happen in real time with the 30,000 people who have come through the program in the last forty years. My heart is filled with joy because every single one of these students has graduated from college. This philosophy also fuels my vision as university president at Albany State University. I take the LEADing for Life ethos everywhere I go, and each day when I get out of bed, my challenge, my charge, my responsibility is to ensure that we’re building a pipeline and preparing our students with the knowledge and confidence they need to take on the world.”

“Oftentimes, lifelong learners are lifelong leaders and can see around the corner when others cannot. Throughout history, these individuals have changed the world, and I want everyone we touch to have that same opportunity and know they have the ability to accomplish great things.”

Dr. Lawrence M. Drake II
Co-Founder & Executive Chairman LEADing for Life Enterprise

Empowering Multigenerational Learners
As the Enterprise’s mission has evolved, the organization has broadened its focus beyond elite institutions to include all higher learning experiences, regardless of the campus a student is attending. “LEADing for Life begins at the high school level and our Global Summer Learning Institute focuses on the high school-to-college-to-career path, while our LEADing for Life Academy focuses on the high school directly to the career pipeline,” explains Drake. “We’re also reigniting our international arm, LEADing for Life Global, which is comprised of our Institute and Academy. This division will evaluate countries for potential implementation of our learning models and how to customize them to meet the needs of diverse learners. Our work will begin in late 2025, early 2026, and spans regions such as Africa, the UK, and Latin America.”

Serving as a nexus to accelerate and support resources across all LEARNing Units is the LEADing for Life Enterprise Hub. This research and entrepreneurship lab houses intellectual property and is designed to cultivate innovation and global collaboration. Part of this Hub is the entrepreneurial think tank, Thinking Beyond Limits, which serves as both an incubator and accelerator to nurture innovative ideas. “When LEAD came into existence, it was strictly a high school to college pipeline,” shares Drake. “Today, our four LEARNing Units continue to build upon this foundation and offer a myriad of pathways for multigenerational learners. In looking at adult learners in particular, they are the fastest growing category of learners and we want to help them find and develop new skills through certification programs, micro and macro badging, and accelerated approaches to learning that create this lifelong agenda. Because in today’s knowledge economy, learning has to be a lifestyle, which includes learning, unlearning, and relearning again.”

LEADing for Life partners with a variety of forward-thinking organizations who are interested in building a stronger, more diverse workforce by creating a life-changing experience for students from different backgrounds. One of these partnerships is with Morgan Stanley and led to the LEADing for Life’s JumpStart Scholars in Finance program. “Together we designed a 20-week program for high school seniors where their analysts and associates teach along with us and expose students to the ins and outs of the financial industry,” shares Drake. “This program began as a pilot program with 41 students, and we now have over 500, where many of these individuals have been hired by Morgan Stanley once they graduated from college.”

Encouraging Diverse Perspectives
In his role as Executive Chairman of LEADing for Life and Interim President of Albany State, Georgia’s largest public Historically Black College and University (HBCU), Dr. Drake has a constant ear to what’s happening in the industry and the trends that continue to shape the marketplace. “Organizations like ours must be in tune with how the industry is evolving. We must move on from preparing students for careers that used to be and prepare them for what careers are going to be. Looking at the world through a singular lens can be dangerous for our future selves and it is essential to tie together pipeline preparation and readiness from early stages to the kind of institutions we will need to create down the line. Because students become learners, learners become lifelong learners, and lifelong learners can change the world.”

“If I can help someone become a better version of themselves and at the same time become a better version of me or improve the version of myself, then I am very happy with where my life is going,” continues Drake. “I keep this idea front and center in everything I do. When I went to college, I was a classical vocalist. At that time, I had no interest in going into business or academics, and certainly not becoming an entrepreneur. What I’ve learned over the years is that skills transfer is so important, and the things I learned as a classical vocalist carry over to the way I think about mathematics, for example. Or how to bring people together like a symphony by appreciating that every instrument—or person—has a unique role.”

Holding important roles within numerous esteemed organizations, boards, and executive committees, Dr. Drake aims to bring people together and encourage new perspectives that help the group move forward. “If you can change the way people think, you can change the way they behave. It’s hard to change people’s thinking, but it’s a noble endeavor and helping someone see another point of view can lead to powerful outcomes. In a meeting with the National Science Foundation (NSF), for example, I continue to bring the lifelong learning concept into the conversation and how resources could be spent to ensure they are funding and creating opportunities that support learners throughout their entire journey.”

“Many young people, particularly those of color, do not envision themselves at an institution, especially prestigious colleges and universities,” says Drake. “I certainly had that view myself when I was in high school. LEADing for Life wants to dispel that notion by breaking down barriers and providing comprehensive learning opportunities and career development that can help students find their passion and turn their dreams into reality.”

Dr. Lawrence M. Drake II
Co-Founder & Executive Chairman LEADing for Life Enterprise

Embracing the Unknown
An important part of equipping students to thrive in the workforce is thinking about the advanced skill sets and knowledge that will be needed to keep pace with changing technology. “While there is some apprehension around the impact of advanced technology like AI, I think we will continue to learn how to use this tool to improve the way we do a number of things,” says Drake. “Humans will always be at the center of what happens in the future, because even as a machine can provide a large amount of data, we will still need a human being to synthesize that information and make it come to life. We shouldn’t be afraid of AI but harness it in a way that is going to drive people to think differently about learning.”

By fostering a mindset that is adaptable and forward thinking, Drake says we can prepare students to not only navigate but also shape the evolving landscape of their industries with confidence and creativity. “LEADing for Life, higher education institutions, and organizations like Edge have an opportunity to explain the world in a different way and show others how tools like AI can allow us to be more purpose driven and technology enabled. Twenty years from now, we’ll likely be having the same conversation about something new, and we shouldn’t be fearful of change but rather embrace it as an opportunity for growth and innovation.”

“To continue to provide the most valuable educational experiences for students, we also need to incorporate how lived experiences influence learning,” continues Drake. “There are often lessons that our lived experiences teach us and enhance our capability to reach our full potential. We must incorporate this into our research as education and industry leaders in order to gain valuable insights into how to effectively change the trajectory of learning experiences and institutions.”

Dr. Forough Ghahramani, Assistant Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Sponsored Programs, Edge adds, “Lawrence Drake’s dedication to education transcends age barriers, inspiring and empowering learners of all generations to achieve their fullest potential through innovative and inclusive teaching practices. This aligns perfectly with Edge’s mission to enhance digital learning and collaboration across educational institutions, embodying the organization’s commitment to advancing education through technology and fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. We look forward to leveraging Dr. Drake’s expertise to enhance member capabilities.”

The Best is Yet to Come
Throughout his life, Dr. Drake says his experiences, especially the challenging ones, have given him important antidotes and ways to look at the world. “When I was sixteen, we lost our house and became homeless. I was given the choice to stay with my family or fend for myself. I chose to head out on my own, and in doing so, I decided I needed to manage my life differently and was forced to be a critical thinker and problem solver. This period of my life created a blueprint for thinking through a multitude of scenarios and challenges at the same time. Just like when you lead an organization or when you’re striving to do better, there are often doors that will be slammed in your face, and you have to figure out how to keep moving forward. There have been so many lessons that have propelled me to this moment, but at this stage of my life, I believe my best work is still ahead.”

When thinking about the value of lifelong learners, Drake is inspired by their curiosity and imagination and their desire to keep growing. “Oftentimes, lifelong learners are lifelong leaders and can see around the corner when others cannot. Throughout history, these individuals have changed the world, and I want everyone we touch to have that same opportunity and know they have the ability to accomplish great things. They don’t have to shortchange themselves or give into their circumstances, because that’s just today. Tomorrow is an opportunity for something very different to occur. I want to live in a world where everyone has equal access to learning and can be the best version of themselves. I truly believe that this is the world that will ultimately emerge, because true equity is the only way for humanity to continue to ascend, grow, and develop. Every day that provides an opportunity for me to contribute to that idea brings excitement and tells me I’m making progress and headed in the right direction.”

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