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Join us for an insightful webinar that will explore the pressing challenges and opportunities faced by higher education institutions today. With enrollment still struggling to bounce back from a downward trend, and closures and consolidations in the news, the need for innovative strategies in higher education has never been greater. In this session, we will:

  • Highlight recent news and case studies of schools that have faced closure and others that have thrived by embracing online learning.
  • Discuss the key factors contributing to the success of institutions that have expanded their online and hybrid offerings.
  • Explore how Edge’s digital learning expertise can support higher education institutions in developing robust online programs that drive sustainable success.

Edge’s Chief Digital Learning Officer will share actionable insights on how to navigate the evolving educational landscape. Whether you’re looking to launch new online initiatives or enhance existing ones, this session will provide insights into building a more resilient and sustainable future for your institution. Key takeaways will include:

  • Strategies for building online program and digital learning capacity to boost enrollment and institutional
  • Practical steps for partnering with Edge to achieve sustainable success

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